Tagged: Baofeng

Baofeng Cemetary

As of the date of this post, you can get a Baofeng UV-5R for $28, or buy two for $50. Dirt cheap. I bought my first Baofeng UV-5R back in 2012 when they were...

Handheld Power Obsession

Or, also known as “linear units in a logarithmic world”. Among the cheap handheld radio community, especially after the release of the Baofeng BF-F8HP, there seems to be this huge obsession with RF transmit...

Baofeng UV-5R+ Harmonics

It seems that the ARRL and a number of individuals have been taking a serious look at harmonics and other spurious emissions from various ham transceivers, including the ubiquitous Baofeng range of handheld transceivers....