Category: Yaesu

Yaesu FT-991 upgraded to FT-991A

I received my FT-991 back from Yaesu in the form of an FT-991A. They do not replace the front bezel, but the radio has a new sticker on the bottom showing that the model...

WSPR Antenna Comparison

Having recently raised a Off-Center Fed Dipole, and figured out how to use WSPR with my FT-991, I thought it would be interesting to compare the OCFD with my 35′ End Fed Wire. Getting...

FT-991 Hardware Upgrade Kit

Final update: See my upgraded FT-991 in action here. I bought a Yaesu FT-991 transceiver last year. Shortly after that, Yaesu decided to surprise us (me) by releasing the FT-991A, for more or less...


The other evening, I decided it’d be a good idea to update my FT-991 with the latest firmware.Aside from this being a good idea generally, to keep up with the latest and greatest improvements...